🦊 Sharp

A collection of F# modules.

Each module/file is made to be used with Paket's GitHub dependencies feature.

Path environment

Parse and expose both PATH and PATHEXT environment variables and allow to find an executable with the same rules as the shell.

  • path: Lazy<string list>: Directories in the system PATH.
  • pathExt: Lazy<string list> Extensions considered executables by the system. Parsed from PATHEXT on windows and always return [""] on other systems.
  • findInPathOnly: string -> string option: Find an executable in PATH (Extension is optional if present in PATHEXT)
  • find: string -> string option: Find an executable in the current directory or PATH (Extension is optional if present in PATHEXT)


open BlackFox.PathEnvironment

match find "node" with
| None -> failwith "nodejs wasn't found"
| nodePath -> // ...

Paket: github vbfox/FoxSharp src/BlackFox.FoxSharp/PathEnvironment.fs

Command line

Generate, parse and escape command lines.

The MsvcrCommandLine module is specific to the way the Microsoft C Runtime algorithm works on Windows. It's how the vast majority of arguments are parsed on the Windows platform.

  • escape: seq<string> -> string: Escape arguments in a form that programs parsing it as Microsoft C Runtime will successfuly understand.
  • parse: string -> string list: Parse a string representing arguments as the Microsoft C Runtime does.

The CmdLine record and module implement a simple, pipable API to generate command lines.

  • empty: CmdLine: Represents an empty command line
  • appendRaw: CmdLine -> string -> CmdLine: Add a part of the command line that won't be escaped
  • appendRawIfSome: CmdLine -> string option -> CmdLine
  • concat: CmdLine -> CmdLine -> CmdLine: Concat 2 command lines
  • append: CmdLine -> string -> CmdLine: Append an argument to the command line
  • appendSeq: CmdLine -> seq<string> -> CmdLine: Append arguments to the command line
  • appendIfTrue: CmdLine -> bool -> string -> CmdLine: Append arguments to the command line if the condition is true
  • appendIfSome: CmdLine -> string option -> CmdLine
  • appendSeqIfSome: CmdLine -> string list option -> CmdLine
  • appendIfNotNullOrEmpty: CmdLine -> string -> string -> CmdLine
  • toStringForMsvcr: CmdLine -> string
  • toString: CmdLine -> string: Transform the command line into a string, escaping as needed by the current OS/Framework for Process.Start.
  • fromSeq: seq<string> -> CmdLine: Create a command line from a sequence of arguments

Paket: github vbfox/FoxSharp src/BlackFox.FoxSharp/CommandLine.fs

FAKE Tasks

A replacement for FAKE Target using a syntax similar to Gulp


open BlackFox.TaskDefinitionHelper

// A task with no dependencies
Task "Clean" [] (fun _ ->
    // ...

// Another one, defined with the computation expression
task "PaketRestore" [] {
    // ...

// A task that need the restore to be done and should run after Clean
// if it is in the build chain
task "Build" ["?Clean";"PaketRestore"] {
    // ...

EmptyTask "CI" ["Clean";"PaketRestore"]

RunTaskOrDefault "Build"

Paket: github vbfox/FoxSharp src/BlackFox.FakeUtils/TaskDefinitionHelper.fs

FAKE Typed tasks

A replacement for FAKE Target using a syntax similar to Gulp with no string in dependency definitions.


open BlackFox.TypedTaskDefinitionHelper

// A task with no dependencies
let clean = Task "Clean" [] (fun _ ->
    // ...

// Another one, defined with the computation expression
let paketRestore = task "PaketRestore" [] {
    // ...

// A task that need the restore to be done and should run after Clean
// if it is in the build chain
let build = task "Build" [clean.IfNeeded;paketRestore] {
    // ...

let _ci = EmptyTask "CI" [clean;build]

RunTaskOrDefault build

Paket: github vbfox/FoxSharp src/BlackFox.FakeUtils/TypedTaskDefinitionHelper.fs